Manasseh and Ephraim were two fine young men with a great heritage. They were Jacob’s grandsons, but they shared in the inheritance with Jacob’s other sons. Thus Joseph actually had a double portion of the inheritance, and his sons were joint-heirs with him. He who is both Lord and Christ (Acts 2:36) has a double relationship with His chosen ones. He is our elder brother (Romans 8:29), and we are the children whom God hath given Him (Isaiah 8:18; Isaiah 53:10). He is called “the mighty God, the everlasting Father” (Isaiah 9:6). He who is the Alpha and Omega (Jesus) said that the overcomer shall be His son (Revelation 21:7).
Ephraim was both a son to Joseph and a younger brother to Manasseh. In this picture we see Joseph as a type of the Father and Manasseh as a type of the elder brother. The life of Joseph the Father was imparted to both the elder and the younger brothers, and they are joint heirs together of his inheritance. When the two brothers were brought to Jacob for his blessing, he laid his hands upon their heads and began to prophesy. His eyes were dim, and he could not distinguish one from the other, but by the leadership of the Spirit he crossed his hands, and placed his right hand upon the head of Ephraim, the younger brother. He explained that this one would become a multitude of nations (Genesis 48:15). Thus the younger son was set ahead of his elder brother and given a greater work to do. The “son of the right hand” or that one who received the blessing with the right hand laid upon his head, received greater authority and power.
As we consider who our elder brother is, this idea seems absolutely outrageous and heretical, but I call to your attention what Jesus said in John 14:12-13…”He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also, and greater works than these shall he do, because I go unto my Father.” He indicates that this brings glory to the Father. Notice He did not say “more” works (as some present day evangelists say is now true), but He said “greater works.”
All evidence from the sacred record reminds us all and points to the fact that the manifestation of Jesus Christ, as Head of His body in this earth will be greater than what men saw when He walked the shores of Galilee (with the exception of His redemptive work on Calvary which cannot be duplicated or excelled).
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