Verse of the Day

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Joseph Unveiled

The sons of Jacob were faced with a terrible problem. They could not bear to face their father without Benjamin, but they were helpless before their judge, guilty and defenseless. Then Judah, the very one responsible for selling Joseph to the Ishmaelites some 22 years earlier, now makes an impassioned plea for Benjamin to return with them. There is no doubt in my mind that Judah had suffered much from a guilty conscience as he watched his broken hearted father grieve for Joseph, especially after he, Judah, had sons of his own and had experience of losing two of them in death (Genesis 38). Whatever a man sows shall surely bring him an abundant harvest. Would you believe that it was the sons of Judah, the Jews, who were responsible for selling the elder brother Jesus into the hands of the Roman gentiles?

The Jews have suffered much since then because of the anguish of the Father’s heart over what they did. But mercy is coming your way, Judah ! He who sits on the throne will hear your impassioned plea in these closing days of this age, and the beloved elder Brother with the Melchisedic robe of priesthood will unveil Himself to you.

Genesis 45 is a beautiful chapter of reconciliation, forgiveness and restoration. When Joseph revealed himself, his brothers were so startled, shocked, and fearful; they were absolutely speechless. I am sure if there had been any place to hide, any rock or mountain to cover them, they would have fled from his presence. He made them know that in spite of their hatred, wickedness and scheming, it had all been the will of God to bring him to Egypt for the purpose of preserving them in time of famine. It was all necessary in order for the family of Israel to stay in Egypt for 400 years until they grew into a mighty people, ready to go back to Canaan and rule their own country.

That which seems to us to be so unnecessary and even seems like the work of the devil is part of God’s overall plan to bring forth a great people strong enough that they might return to “their own land” to rule and reign with Jesus Christ, our elder Brother. Ours is to trust Him and know that He is on the throne, and that all things will work toward an ultimate victory for His Church, His Body. Let that many membered company of the younger brother of “Joseph” know that they are playing a very important part in the bringing about of this glorious restoration.

The Genesis narrative did not tell us of the special relationship Benjamin had with his long lost brother, once the family had all moved to Egypt . Certainly Joseph had some important work for Benjamin in the five years remaining of the time of famine (Genesis 45:9-15). Beyond that no one knows what part Benjamin had in the glory of Joseph’s Kingdom administration. None can tell you what the sons of God will be doing 10,000 years from now in the Kingdom of Christ and of God (Ephesians 5:5), but I am sure it will be glorious! It will be worth it all, when we see Jesus!

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