If Jesus is the sign, and the Scriptures most plainly show that He is, then who or what is the fulfillment of this sign? This is the glorious mystery that was revealed to Paul the apostle, which he calls “my gospel. For it was Paul who saw the wonderful truth of the Body of Christ, the “Perfect Man,” the sons of God, the many-membered man that God was making after His own image. God’s man is neither male nor female, Jew nor Gentile, bond nor free…,he is made of many members, and we are all one in Him (Colossian 3:11; I Corinthians 12:12-14).
In the Genesis chapter 1 account God began a creation with substances present of which man was made. The dust of the earth and the breath of God were there, but man had not yet been formed. The first day light was given; it was the day of beginnings. On the third day there was a harvest of fruit in the earth. Then on the sixth day God brought forth His man to rule over the earth, and on the seventh day God rested while man ruled. Now we know that Jesus is the light of the world…John 1:1-9 tells us: “That was the true light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.”
Salvation, or justification, is the beginning of eternal life for us (every person that believes in Christ). This pointed out beautifully in the types and shadows God gave in the Old Testament law. At the time of the Passover, God said that this should be the beginning of months for them. Everything starts with the sprinkling of the blood on the door post. The death angel passes over them, and the children of Israel are safe from the judgments of God. Then in the third month they are to bring forth the first fruits of the harvest, and on the fiftieth day following the Passover Sabbath comes the feast of Pentecost’
Jujst as the Passover was fulfilled in Jesus spilling His own precious blood on Calvary and rising from the tomb, so was the feast of Pentecost fulfilled when He sent back the Holy Spirit upon the waiting Church, bringing forth a great harvest in the earth, a harvest which actually is only the first-fruit of what God is going to do in the seventh day of the great Feast of Ingathering. For in the seventh month, in the end of the civil year comes the great feast which has never yet been fulfilled, the great Feast of Tabernacle or Ingathering reserved for the end of the age.
Political and historical events of our day are pointing clearly to the fact that we are in the sixth day period. Like the biblical account, God is forming His man, “one body, many parts” man (I Corinthians 12:12) in the earth and is bringing it to completion. To accomplish this divine purpose, the risen Lord Jesus is stirring up within the Church, the five-fold ministries to take center stage for the perfecting of the Body until we all come unto “a perfect man” unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ (Ephesians 4:7-13).
Jesus Christ was the sign given by God of the authority and power He has purported to place upon the redeemed humanity. We see the Head of this Body supremely victorious, waiting until the Body comes to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, so that His enemies become His footstool (Hebrews 2:8-9). The Head is victorious and crowned. This glorious work He began will continue until His whole body, even the feet, shall rise to the place of authority and power that He has. The smallest and weakest member of the Body, the least in the Kingdom, shall have dominion over every satanic force, over the work of creation, even over their own spirits. “Where I am, there ye may be also.”(John 14:13). The Body is Christ in the fullness of His people.
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