Verse of the Day

Monday, January 20, 1997

PrayerLetter-Jan 1997

Dear Friends,
Loving Christian greetings in Jesus' wonderful name. In 1962, Douglas Hyde, a British author and correspondent, observed that nowhere on earth is the pattern of life changing more rapidly than in Africa. It is spectacular for those who observe it and often bewildering for those caught up in it. Charles Albert Swan, a pioneer British missionary, commenting on the same subject in 1890 declared: "...nothing but the truth of God will put things in all places."
As we enter the New Year, let us resolve to emphasize Biblical answers and de-emphasize political and social ones, for our God is able. In the great awakening and harvest ahead of us, as many souls come into God's kingdom, we can see that the current use of the Emmaus courses in Nigeria will be a great help to the body of Christ in establishing and nourishing the flock. We covet more your prayers as we take the truth of God to the many millions of Nigerians within and without.
Your prayers have been answered in the quick recovery of Jessie. She still experiences slight pain in muscles around the spine. Pray for complete recovery. Cyprian's kidney situation is now resolved. The doctor said the cyst there is presently not of essence. The other problem is the hip bone. The doctor's opinion is that it may someday require replacement. Pray for God's overruling hand.
March 16th to April 14th Jim Gillett will be with Cyprian for the Emmaus Focus, 1997. They will both travel to Ghana April 14th to launch Emmaus Bible Center, Ghana. In October, Cyprian will return to Ghana to honor an invitation by Ghana Evangelical Missionary Institute to teach Cross Cultural Church Planting and Leadership Development. He will also teach Mission Trends and Strategies (Rural and Urban missions), and Christian Missions in Africa at the University of Ghana, Accra Campus.
If you can, send these books needed as textbooks to Cyprian at our field address.
  1. Developing the Leaders Around You

    by John C. Maxwell,
  2. Incarnational Ministry

    by Paul G. Hiebert and Eloise Hiebert Meneses.

It is said, "None are so empty as those who are full of themselves" (Whichcote). So let us empty ourselves and be filled with His Spirit, for His coming is imminent.
His Unworthy Servants and Fellow Pilgrims,
Joy and Cyprian

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